Thursday, April 18, 2013

I will never be a Pinterest Mama...

     I will never be a Pinterest Mama. This was verified on the last American non-holiday St. Patrick's Day! Did I awake early and paint little green feet on the toilet seat? Did I then put green food coloring droplets into the toilet bowl water? Did I also proceed by throwing gold-wrapped "chocolate" coins about my house to allow my children to infer that that Pot of Gold sprung a leak? NO. I did none of these. And whilst I watched everyone on their FB accounts post pictures of Fruit Loop Rainbows on their tables on St. Patty's Eve, I realized that I felt terrible for not participating in this commercialized holiday. (I mean really, are there that may Irish Citizens here in the U.S.? I daresay not. But nonetheless...) Here I am, guilt ridden that my days aren't longer, and that I don't have more energy to run on two hours sleep so I can decide if that is the right shade of green in the bowl. Fearing my children's frontal lobes will not properly develop, I decided to keep my their imaginations thriving by choosing a few manageable crafts that might not put me on Pinterest, but would create activities for me and all my twinlettes to bond and allow more variety in all of our days. Also, I found crafts that could be changed or modified depending on what's already residing in our homes. Let's be honest, we don't need to add another "to-do" or "to-shop-for" list to our day! Alas, it is time:

Project 1: Popsicle Stick Puzzle (classic, right?!)

Thanks to Elahne Botho O'Connor (Irish?) for this pic, But see how easy? Glue sticks to a picture, then cut...CLASSIC! However, what if you have no sticks? what if you have no pic? No glue? Well then, This whole thing wouldn't come together now would it? Time to think out of our box mamas...

No Pic/No Glue: (You can always use a magazine or coloring book page if there isn't a picture you want to slice up!) but...
...AND if you find that you have no sticks, then cardboard, a cut-up cereal box, and last resort just plain ol' printer paper can do the trick. Of course use materials that are age appropriate!
Yay! One project down. That being said here is a last look to make it all "holiday-style"

Impressive mamas...

Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Easy Mama Projects are listed on this great easy-to-follow site. ( All of these are also on Pinterest, just click here for an easy-to-browse page)


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I have realized that trying to "Keep up with the Mama Jones'" Isn't truly within my realm, but I can still take part in the magical world of creativity and holidays if I just modify things the Mama way!


  1. Good for you! I do not have twins. But I do have a 3yo and a 18mo and have been sick for the past 6 months. For this reason, I, too, cannot be a Pinterest mom, but the thing I love about Pinterest is that there is something for everyone. I skip past all the projects that look too complicated for me to handle, and focus on the simple (but ever much as fun) ones. Plus, we can all (even double-twin mamas) look forward to the day when our children are a little older, a little less dependent on us, to do many more exciting things with them. And bonus, when they are older they will remember the fun times much better! I think God was wise to make our toddler years so forgettable! It gives us mom's time to get our game together before they start to develop permanent memories! Keep going, you are doing great!

  2. We all have to do what is realistic! That sometimes takes even more effort, but it's that much more rewarding at the end of the day! Good luck mama!
